Monday, July 24, 2006
Yeah, it was the antibiotics…
Okay, I admit that I watch some really bad tv. Last year I watched “The Surreal Life” with Jose Canseco, Janice Dickinson, and that random model Caprice. Do you guys remember her? She was the pretty blond who flirted with Jose and always had a glass of red wine in her hand. Well, it seems that the wine finally caught up with her. Caprice Bourrett was in court recently because she was charged with a DUI, but the best part is in the explanation. Caprice admits to having wine on 2 separate occasions during the day before getting a DUI at 3 in the morning.
The model, who sat barefoot in the dock holding a tube of lipgloss, said she drank a bottle and a half of red wine at a lunch in Soho which began at 11.30am on Dec 9.
She added that she also ate a salad.
Asked how she felt afterwards, she said: "I felt tired, I felt like I had had a drink."
Let me get this straight. She drank a bottle and a half at lunch and ate a salad and she felt tired???? Well, maybe in Europe tired means drunk. But, back to the DUI. After her lunch cocktail, she went back to her place and passed out. Later that night her friend called her and invited her to her place to have drinks and party. She claimed to not know how much she drank because her glass kept getting topped off.
District Judge Emma Arbuthnot said: "By the end of the evening, did it not occur to you for one minute that all the drinking you had done, that it might take you over the limit?"
She said she had been taking the antibiotic Cipro to tackle a urinary infection and that it affected how her body coped with the alcohol.
Oh, that’s it. It was the antibiotics that made her drunk, not the multiple bottles of wine she drank. Oh Caprice… slay me.
What a way to wake up.
In Australia, a man crashed his car through a couples bedroom while they were sleeping. The couple had actually snuggled up on the far side of their bed and the authorities actually claimed that being on that side of the bed actually saved their lives.
Unit owner Danielle Loy agreed the sleeping man was lucky to be alive. "They were sleeping on the other side of the bed, cuddled up," she said. "If he had slept like he normally did he'd be dead." "They've basically just cheated death."
But here’s the kicker. The man who actually crashed the car climbed out of the wreck and was overheard saying this….
"I'd better have another beer, I'm going to jail for sure."
The Blog
Unfortunately, I will no longer be able to do my blog at work so the posts (for now) will be a little late in the evening and maybe even a little less in content. Hang with me though people. I promise you that it won’t always be like this and you’ll hopefully find it worth it in the end. Wednesday’s blog will be full of stories from an impromptu wine dinner on Sunday night with Jon and Sam, and we’ll learn about Zorks and cool new beer openers. Stay Tuned!!!
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